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Doctor Hide, Dr Hide or maybe Doriane Hide is a street artist and poet working between Paris and London in the middle of poetry and street art.




Her work is about the mix of different mediums in order to restraint the cultural gap between old pellicule pics and spay painting. It creates a new story telling starting from an image who's already existing to a fully embodied piece.The image disappears under the spray paint : Does the survival of this one depends of the verb, from the letter to the deepest meaning ? Since 2021 she has been developing a painting work using Pop and comic book imagery. 



Already well known under different pseudonyme in the street art scene in Europe since more than five years and had participated in several collective exhibitions in London ; now, Dr Hide is a new perspective, a new project, a new way of expression for this promising and spontaneous artist. Her influences are progressively appearing inside of her artwork which creates an other dimension of understanding inside her existing practice.


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